SSC Micro Projects are small (completed within a year, costing up to $5,000) volunteer-driven activities focused on enhancements and improvements to our Sandy Springs parks, trails, or greenspace, which improve the value of green lands for the benefit of the entire community.
Volunteer groups from businesses, congregations, schools, scouts or other groups of citizens are welcome to submit project proposals and to apply for SSC Micro Project grants. These Micro Project partners will provide the volunteer manpower to plan, secure the supplies and implement the proposed project while SSC grants will provide for project materials in part or in full.
SSC will work with the partner organization/group in coordinating with the owner of the property – usually a governmental agency, school or church that would grant the group access to the complete the project.
Community groups interested in submitting Micro Project proposals are asked to submit a one page application. To request an application please contact SSC Micro Project Chair at info@sandyspringsconservancy.org.
Projects will be selected based on the number of individuals to benefit from the completed project, the length of time to complete the project and the assessment of the feasibility of timely implementation.

Boy Scouts Micro Project at Lost Corner Preserve
Completed Micro Projects:
An heirloom fruit orchard at Lost Corner Preserve led by Boy Scout Troop 379 with help from Mayor Rusty Paul, a member of Friends of Lost Corner, and SSC Board Members.
Benches, signage stands, and railings were added to Bluff Trail at Morgan Falls Overlook Park led by a local Boy Scout Troop. The benches were made with salvaged wood.